Friday, 29 March 2013

The Kyoto Protocol and Basics of Trading Emerald Knight Carbon Credits

The Kyoto Protocol and Basics of Trading Emerald Knight Carbon Credits

The year 1997 was a landmark year for environmentalists. This was the year that the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement that promotes environmental consciousness and pollution control, was signed by industrialized nations. This agreement was the first of its kind and required signatories to abide by set provisions for pollution control. Here is a quick introduction to the agreement and how it affects the trading of Emerald Knight carbon credits.

What is the Kyoto Protocol?

Just like going on a diet, nations that signed the agreement committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to 5% below their 1990 levels. They were to accomplish this within four years, from 2008-2012. During a talk on climate change in Doha, Qatar, this commitment from members of the Protocol has been extended to another seven years, from 2013-2020. There are several methods through which countries can meet their gas emission reduction commitments. One of these is carbon credit trading.

Earning and Trading Carbon Credits

This method works on the basic premise that a country offsets the harmful effects of its carbon dioxide emissions by adopting environmentally sound practices. If their emissions are lower than the set limit, they earn a carbon credit. For corporations, each credit earned allows them to emit one metric ton of carbon dioxide. Emissions can be reduced by planting trees in the forest to create carbon sinks, or enforce policies and work practices that reduce the carbon footprint of corporations and their employees.
Some countries have very little emissions, so they earn a lot of carbon credits. Signatories which need these carbon credits may purchase them from less developed countries. In return, this money will be used to sponsor research on environment-friendly technology that can be used in developing countries.
The reality is that implementing environmentally sound practices isn’t cost-effective in all countries. This is why the Kyoto Protocol allows countries to trade emission allowances. Through this, the reduction of emissions is maximized in countries where it is most economically efficient to do so.

Carbon Credit Investments

There are several benefits of putting money towards carbon credit investments through companies like Emerald Knight. By investing in Emerald Knight carbon credits, investors can earn while helping mitigate climate change. Not only does this help in addressing environmental concerns, but also allows developing countries in economic transition achieve sustainable development.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Tapping Emerald Knight Carbon Credits to Help Save the Environment

Tapping Emerald Knight Carbon Credits for the Environment

Global warming has become part of the environment news circuit in recent years. Numerous analysts have warned about the possibility of rising temperatures melting polar ice caps. The disastrous consequences of this for low-lying areas, especially island nations, are too dreadful to contemplate, in light of skepticism from certain sectors.
To address the problem, the United Nations established the Kyoto Protocol, which was intended to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) levels to what they were during the early 1990s. The effectivity of the accord has been prolonged to 2020. The improved treaty opened opportunities for investments in Emerald Knight carbon credits.
Carbon credit schemes are business projects where people trade in so-called carbon credits, or the right to emit a certain amount of CO2 or another greenhouse gas. The emissions are caused by activities such as driving cars or using any electric device. Under the Marrakesh Accords, a single tonne of CO2 is equal to one credit. The collection of credits can be possible through a forestry program.As trees and plants amass CO2, a company handling these plants can sell the credits later.
There are two types of carbon credits: voluntary or mandatory. In a voluntary carbon credit system, an individual or business that emits a carbon footprint willfully buys his credits. Mandatory schemes target large entities such as big-name corporations and governments through laws that limit their carbon emissions.
Trading of these credits mostly takes place under two systems: offset or cap-and-trade. In an offset system, the emitter creates credits if emissions are far below a baseline level. Under cap-and-trade, a carbon emitter can only release CO2 up to a certain limit. The credit is received if the amount is below limit. However, if the limit is exceeded, the emitter will have to buy additional credit from a source with lesser emissions.
Saving the environment is a race against time. Any means to do so must then be done in the soonest time possible and with companies like Emerald Knight. If you are committed to helping the environment, investing in Emerald Knight carbon credits is a step in the right direction. It allows for greater efforts to reduce global warming.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Making Responsible Investments through Emerald Knight Consultants

Socially Responsible Investing Through Emerald Knight Consultants

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is an approach that aims to combine or balance an investor’s need for profit with the need to adhere to his principles and values. This can be done by taking into consideration the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in the process of decision-making. In a sense, those who practice this approach intend to make an honest profit, and positively change the world while they’re at it. Here is a closer look at the factors considered in SRI.

Environmental Factors

Financial advisors and Emerald Knight consultants look at the long-term effects of the enterprise’s activities on the environment. Companies that adopt clean and green technologies are good candidates for SRI. They also look out for companies that practice good environmental management strategies and avoid inflicting damage on the environment.

Social Factors

While environmental factors are typically included in positive screens, negative screens call for vigilance in spotting social factors that disincline the financial advisors from choosing such companies to invest in. Socially responsible investing avoids industries that manufacture or distribute products that are unsafe, harmful, or elicit a negative impact on society. Tobacco, alcohol, pornography, and arms production are some of the things that fall under this category.

Governance Factors

Shareholders that practice SRI take on a more active role in pushing for changes in companies in the enhancement of corporate social responsibility. Emerald Knight consultants screen companies to make sure that the portfolios presented are limited to companies that do not exploit children for labor or take advantage of workers in developing countries. This is because SRI investors encourage corporations to improve their practices on governance issues.

Choosing an Ethical Investment

The sustainable investment market in the UK amounted to £1.03 trillion in 2012 alone, which is an impressive 18 percent increase over the previous year. This is proof that responsible investment is an approach that can provide returns the same way mainstream investments do. The key is finding the balance between profit and principle. You simply have to know what your money is funding. Analyzing the factors cited earlier can be difficult, especially for first-time investors. Deal with consultants who know how to evaluate how socially responsible a company is. By engaging a company like Emerald Knight, you can be sure that your money goes into building a better world.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

An Investment in Wind Energy Through Emerald Knight Carbon Credits

Investing in Wind Energy Through Emerald Knight Carbon Credits

Energy is a worldwide concern, which is why many countries are trying to find ways to harness it more effectively and cleanly. Mindful of how the world’s fossil fuel reservoir is not, practically speaking, a renewable resource, government and industry continue to explore alternative energy resources, as well as investments. One such alternative source and investment opportunity is wind energy. If you want to invest in wind energy, getting Emerald Knight Carbon Credits is one way to do so. As the most promising renewable energy resource that can produce power to match the need of the world’s most energy-hungry cities, wind energy will play a prominent role in humankind’s transition away from fossil fuels. The question remains on when this transition shall be completed. With this outlook, investing in wind energy can lead to substantial rewards for investors who make the right moves at the right time. Below are the reasons that make wind investments a viable option.


Wind energy is one, if not the most, efficient alternative sources of energy on the planet. Plus, it only requires a small area to generate a huge amount of energy with very little impact on the environment. As technology improves, newer wind turbine designs could yield even more energy with a smaller environmental footprint.


In a tough macro-economic environment where yields remain low, investors continually search for diversified sources of stable income. Wind investments offer a reasonably stable cash flow. Although the yields may be volatile from year to year, this investment is virtually unaffected by the volatility of capital markets. These provide investors with a good hedge when included in their diversified investment portfolio through companies like Emerald Knight.


Many insurers and pension fund companies are looking into wind investments because these are, in many ways, less risky than stock market investments and corporate bonds. For sure, these are an emerging market with great potential. Wind energy is one of the most highly concentrated and largest forms of renewable energy around. Once you decide that wind energy is the right type of investment for you, it’s time to look into the Emerald Knight Carbon Credits appropriate to your investment strategy. Before moving forward though, it’s important to conduct thorough market research. With good market knowledge and perfect timing, this type of investment can yield substantial returns for you.